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A Celebration of International Clinical Trials Day 2018

July 25, 2018

To celebrate International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD) members of the NI Cancer Trials Network, the NI Cancer Research Consumer Forum (Mrs Margaret Grayson and Dr Ed Goodall) and the Cancer Research UK Research Engagement Manager provided clinical trial information in the Cancer Centre foyer 18 May 2018.  Once again patients, visitors, researchers and funders at the event showed unreserved support for cancer clinical trials.  This year, to coincide with ICTD the HSC R&D Division distributed the ‘I Am Research’ leaflet, promoting the campaign ‘to shout about how fantastic research is…to raise awareness of the benefits of research and the positive impact it has on people’s lives.’  The range of support in the Cancer Centre illustrated just part of the vast tapestry of involvement in clinical research and the cancer patient pathway.  NICTN, patients and charities were joined by QUB researchers and an array of staff in the Cancer Centre including Oncologists, Nurses, Radiographers, Medical Physicists, Domestic Services and Medical and Nursing students (see photos).  Photos International Clinical Trials Day NI Cancer Centre 18 May 18