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The co-ordinating centre of the NICTN is at the Northern Ireland Cancer Centre located at Belfast City Hospital. Clinical trials are conducted across each of the Trusts in Northern Ireland.


The current facilities for clinical research in Belfast City Hospital include space within the existing day hospital for cancer patients, and in-patient beds for patients on research protocols are provided in wards in the Northern Ireland Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital Haematology Unit and in the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children.

Cancer clinical trials have dedicated pharmacy support and chemotherapy reconstitution facilities alongside the existing NHS facilities. These facilities are supported by a NICTN/Belfast ECMC laboratory for sample processing and storage for pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenetic studies. In addition, the NICTN is supported by a dedicated clinical trials radiology service within the Radiology Department at Belfast City Hospital.

Clinical Research is also delivered within the outpatient facilities of the Cancer Units at Antrim, Craigavon and Ulster Hopspitals and the North West Cancer Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital.

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