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Meet the New Chair of the NI Cancer Research Consumer Forum – Aidan McCormick

February 18, 2022

The NICTN and NI Cancer Research Consumer Forum (NICRCF) are delighted to report Aidan McCormick took up the position of Chair of the NICRCF in December 2021. Aidan, who was an active member of the Forum since 2019, brings a wealth of experience to the role, not only as a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma patient for 11 years but as a member of Queens University Belfast PPI Network and retired educationalist. He is a Governor of the Southern Regional College. Married to Geraldine with two grown up daughters, he loves his home life and his greenhouse.

As a PPI representative and Service User, Aidan says ‘I take great pride in the work of our Medics, Researchers and Academics. Proud of those Patients, their families and Carers who travel the journey.’

The NICTN and NICRCF members congratulate Aidan on his appointment to the role of Chair and look forward to the exciting future journey of the Forum with Aidan.

Aidan McCormick – Chair, NICRCF