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NICTN support Be Part of Research campaign for International Clinical Trials Day

June 24, 2021

Andrea Patterson and Diane Law, supporting Be Part of Research, Belfast Trust


Angela Berry and Jennifer Foreman, supporting Be Part of Research, South Eastern Trust











NICTN staff celebrated the value of research for International Clinical Trials Day on 20 May 2021.

This year the Be Part of Research campaign highlighted the record number of research volunteers and the rapid pace of breakthroughs in COVID-19 research during the pandemic. The challenge now is to sustain research momentum and volunteers across other conditions.

NICTN staff utilised various approaches within their Trusts to profile the campaign, the role of the research nurse and raise awareness of clinical trials. See below examples of how they successfully shared the message with Trust staff, patients and the public.

International Clinical Trials Day 20th May 2021 | South Eastern HSC Trust (

Be Part of Research poster for web