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Survey and Focus Group Results – PPI in Cancer Research in NI

April 11, 2018

Thank you to all those involved in cancer research in NI and members of the NI Cancer Research Consumer Forum (NICRCF) who participated in a Survey and Focus Group on Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) in research. The Survey was undertaken to:

  • Evaluate the existing experience of PPI in cancer research in NI from a stakeholder perspective
  • Evaluate if PPI objectives and standards are being met
  • Identify areas for further development and gather recommendations to help inform a new cancer research PPI strategy

The results are published here PPI in Cancer Research in NI NICTN_NICRCF Survey and Focus Group Results Final v26.03.18 and demonstrate an overwhelming endorsement of the value of PPI and the NICRCF. As one researcher remarked ‘I cannot describe the input of the Forum more highly. They are a dedicated bunch who give depth and clinical relevance to research. What they have taught me about research….no book or lecture ever could.’

A summary of Future Recommendations are:

  1. Provide dedicated PPI funding and expenses processes
  2. Enhance PPI support structures
  3. Expand PPI Representative numbers and networking
  4. Enhance training
  5. Raise researcher and public PPI awareness
  6. Increase PPI opportunities
  7. Share PPI impact

The strategy for PPI in Cancer Research in NI will be renewed, informed by the Survey and Focus Group results.