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Ovarian Cancer Public Information Event In Memory of Esteemed Colleague Angela Hogg 18 June 2019

August 16, 2019

Speakers (Lt-Rt) Professor Gordon Jayson, Dr Mark McComiskey, Dr Laura Feeney, Professor Richard Wilson, Mrs Julia Tolan

Staff of Belfast Trust and Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) welcomed the public and charities to an ovarian cancer information event held in the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology (CCRCB), QUB, 18 June 2019. The symposium, highlighting innovation in ovarian cancer research and care, was organised by NI Cancer Trials Network (NICTN) and pharmacy staff of the Belfast City Hospital in honour and recognition of their sadly and much missed colleague Angela Hogg, a passionate advocate of cancer research throughout her career and treatment for ovarian cancer.

During arrival and refreshments information stands were provided by representatives of the NICTN, NI Cancer Research Consumer Forum, Macmillan Information and Support Centre at Belfast Trust, Northern Ireland Biobank, Cancer Research UK and Cancer Lifeline. A variety of leaflets and materials were also provided by the charities Target Ovarian Cancer, Ovacome and the Eve Appeal.

Professor Chris Scott, CCRCB’s Acting Scientific Director, kicked off proceedings welcoming everyone to the Centre and providing an overview of CCRCB’s cancer research vision. The programme for the afternoon was chaired by Professor Richard Wilson, Honorary Professor in Cancer Medicine, CCRCB and Professor of Gastrointestinal Oncology at the Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Glasgow. Richard worked with Angela over many years and he fondly recounted her vital role in cancer clinical trials and valued membership of the early phase multi-professional team. Julia Tolan, Professional Manager Pharmacy Services, Specialist and Community Services in Belfast Trust gave a moving tribute to Angela, describing her enthusiasm as Pharmacy Technician and her boundless thoughtfulness for colleagues.

Leading the talks on ovarian cancer, Professor Gordon Jayson, Christie Hospital Manchester, gave a comprehensive overview of current treatment approaches and described the research programme being conducted at the Christie Hospital (see link to slides below). Dr Laura Feeney, Clinical Research Fellow/Medical Oncology Trainee, CCRCB, illustrated the work she is currently undertaking to determine a blood biomarker for the early detection of ovarian cancer (see link to slides below).

Following refreshments, Dr Mark McComiskey, Consultant Gynaecologist at the Belfast City Hospital, described surgical advances in ovarian cancer with a particular focus on the evolution of surgery for recurrent ovarian cancer (see link to slides below).  The final speaker, Rachel Smith, Cancer Focus NI Family Service Manager, provided guidance on communicating with children when a significant adult has cancer.

Following these enlightening presentations, a lively Q&A session further demonstrated how relatable and helpful the speakers all were. Patients/public and professionals all contributed to the session and many of the sixty attendees remarked on the success of the event.

Formal feedback indicated the contribution of all the speakers, hearing about future developments in treatment and diagnosis of ovarian cancer and information about family services, had been very useful.

Note: Healthcare professionals wishing to undertake a short e-learning module on helping parents with cancer tell their children can link to ‘Cancer Conversations’ Cancer Focus NI training.

The organisers and staff are extremely grateful for the support and attendance of Angela’s dear family and friends, who contributed so much to the occasion.

See link to photographs from the event below.

Photos Ovarian Cancer Event in Memory Angela Hogg 18.06.19 CCRCB

Prof Gordon Jayson Ovarian Cancer 2017-19 18.06.19

Dr Mark McComiskey Surgical Advances in Ovarian Cancer 18.06.19

Dr Laura Feeney Early detection biomarkers in ovarian cancer 18.06.19